Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dreadmill / Lost Momentum

Will someone please stop the rain? It's so depressing outside that I feel like it's been night for a week! It warmed up which is great, but please just stop raining... so frustrating. I mean, okay, at least it's not snow but if it's going to tease me by being warmer, at least it could not rain so I could run outdoors. Today while I was running on the treadmill, I was trying to tell myself that running on the TM is better for my legs, ankles, knees, but it still kinda sucked.

So the holidays are over and I'm getting back into the swing of things, but I still feel like a total slacker! First, I haven't posted as much here as I should be. Getting back to the diet has been seriously challenging. And now I'm SSSOOOOO close to my goal that all it will take is one final push, but I'm just having trouble with it. And my strength training has fallen by the wayside a little. And I've backed off on the miles I'm running to try to rehab my crazy ankle - leg - knee problems so that I can get healthy before I start the half marathon training. So I've kind of only been running 2 times a week or so and I cut out the long runs each week, and now I need to start building it back up. (I'm following the advice of a sports medicine physical therapist on this). I'm chomping at the bit to get back at it full force. I definitely feel as though I lost some momentum, and starting back up again is difficult at best.

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