Saturday, February 21, 2009

training calendar

Anyone know of a good training calendar I could post on here? I've been manually adding the mileage on the left there, but it's a pain, and it doesn't show my other workouts, so I look like a total slacker.

I have been running 3 x a week, but I had planned on 4 x. Life is just getting in the way. Makes me wonder how I would ever have time to train for a marathon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Return of the Shin Splints

My shin is feeling that old familiar feeling again. It's not too bad, but it's just threatening to hurt again. And my mileage is not high at all which is kinda scary. I found some exercises & stretches that is supposed to help. My goal is to do those and some stretching every day and see if that helps. Including going back to stretching my calves for 3 minutes, 3 times a day.