Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This is today's title

I hate coming up with titles for all these entries! Well, I've been extremely busy with work (again) and have been barely able to squeeze in those workouts! But I'm hanging in there. I am still on the fence about this Saturday night. There is a 5 mile run I would like to do, but there is so much going on right now that I'm not sure I'm up to it.

Oddly enough, Sunday I ran 5 miles faster than I have ever run it before. Kind of suprised myself. When I looked at my Garmin at the end of the run, I was shocked, then happy, then I was like "no wonder that was so hard! I was booking it!" I am still amazed at how I continue to improve. At some point I will level off, but let's hope that is way in the distance!

So right now, here is the focus:

1. Lose those last goshdarn 10 or so pounds, for goodness gracious! Get on it, girl!
2. Improve the 5K time (always a goal)
3. Continue to work on base mileage until the end of July
4. Start 1/2 marathon training again at the end of July
5. uh, um... I need to take care of my shin, get back to the stretching & icing. I've been remiss lately and my leg is feelin' it.

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