Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Knee Pain, etc.

Just when my ankle was feeling better... starting to get some pain on the outside of my knees. Not sure if it's just the recent increase in mileage or what?? It hurts more when I'm not running - like just sitting around or walking around the house. So I guess I'll just keep an eye on it.

I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things after being sick last week. I still have some sinus congestion that refuses to go away which is just kinda annoying. Just doing 3 miles today probably on the treadmill (looks like rain). But I'm a little concerned about the long run on Sunday, hoping my knees will hold up. oh, and I haven't even mentioned the shin splints on my right leg that have also been plaguing me!

Do I have the right shoes??

1 comment:

duffyzmom said...

Not sure about whether or not your shoes are the right ones but from my experience training from my first half you are right on track. I swear my ailments started at the foot and worked the way up my legs. First it was the calves/shins;then, knees; then IT Band;finally groin.