Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Mental Game...

Part of what I have learned to love about running is the mental game. Ultimately, your body can handle a lot more than you usually give it credit for. So, when you are running you can either talk yourself into quitting before you've reached your goal, or you can talk yourself into sticking in there and pushing past the limits of what you thought you could do.

If you tell yourself, I can't run another mile, then you can't. If you tell yourself you can go farther today than ever before, then you can. Either way, you are right. I have found that running is a test of mental toughness as well as physical strength & stamina. And that's just cool!

There is just a certain sense of satisfaction for me when I add another mile, or overcome a challenging hill that is unlike anything else I've experienced. Maybe because I know the internal battle that had to take place for me to achieve that goal. I know that I wanted to quit, but would not allow myself to back down, so it's not just a physical victory but a mental one as well.

Being away from running for 3 weeks took it's toll on me mentally - no question! I realize now that I missed the mental challenge of running maybe more than anything else. And I think it made me begin to question (doubt) myself in other areas because of this. For example, I had put some of my "fat clothes" in a pile in my closet but had not taken them to Goodwill yet. Why was I still holding on to them? A very wise & kind friend told me to get rid of them because I have been hanging on to the past and my fear of failure and returning to my old ways. I guess I just had not yet convinced myself that I wouldn't return to old habits, and maybe I still haven't convinced myself. I realize I am missing the faith & confidence in myself to trust myself (if that makes any sense).

When you run, it's just you. It's all me. Me and the road. There's no one running next to me telling me to keep going, or push harder. There's no one watching to see if I fail or succeed. The only one that knows is me. And the truth is, I have never let myself down running. wow... So, with that thought in mind, I hereby vow to trust myself, let go of past failures, and say goodbye to the chunky girl (and her clothes) forever!

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