Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm Back!

I'm back & better than ever!

I ran a mile this morning for the first time in over 3 weeks!!! Weather was nice & cool, my ankle feels great, all is right with the world. I flew through that mile, too. I ran it at "race pace" instead of my usual training pace. Probably because I was so excited. I was trying to take it easy for the first time back, but I think it would have been hard to run any slower.

I feel soooo much stronger. All that strength training is paying off, and I'm also so glad that I did as much cardio as I could the past couple of weeks.

Grass grew during my running absence. One of my neighbors on my running route had torn up his lawn and reseeded the last time I ran. So this morning when I past the house, there is a full yard of grass. You would never even know anything was amiss if you hadn't seen it before. I found this rather amusing. Not running for three weeks was like watching grass grow!

You know, one thing I was worried about was that I would be totally sucking wind on my first run back. Like, OMG this sucks! But I didn't feel that way at all. I was thinking, yes, I do love running. Yes, this is why I run, this is awesome. It felt so gooood.

I'm back, baby!

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