Saturday, September 20, 2008

Motivation? I got yer motivation right here!

5K last night, got to run with all the downtown lights as the backdrop, pretty cool. Totally sucked on my time, though. First time EVER that my 5K time has not improved -- UGH! Bummer deal. I felt really good, and paced myself extremely well (Garmin graph shows very even pace throughout the race). I dunno... maybe that was the problem. But I really did feel like I pushed through the entire race. I also kind of question the time a little because according to my Garmin, I should have been around 28:50 but the chip time was 29:29. I didn't care for their timing method, and like the Champion Chips better.

Less than 4 weeks until the half marathon. Time to get serious. 10 mile run planned for tomorrow morning.

So... motivation has been seriously lacking lately, as evidenced by the recent lack of workouts, eating like crap, etc. Last night did give me a big wake up call, though. A) 5K time has slipped B) uh, half marathon in 4 weeks, dummy C) feeling "heavy", running "slow" D) pants don't be fitting so well E) feeling grouchy & crappy F) did i mention 4 weeks until 13.1????

Guess I know I can run the 13, so I haven't been too worried about pushing myself, and following the training so strict this time. But, I definitely feel "out of shape" and I am, compared to what I was before. Yet, I'm completing my long runs with relative ease. Still, I had said that I wanted to improve my half marathon time, and after last night, I'm kind of worried! Maybe I won't be able to beat my last time! YIKES!

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