Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome to Slackersville!

Population: 1.

This is going to be a fun week! I feel like such a cheater because I don't have massive miles to run this week (except for Saturday, of course). And I am taking 100% rest days on Thursday & Friday. What will I do with all that extra time??

I only did 30 minutes on the bike tonight, but yet I feel totally guilty! I do need to take some of that extra time this week to figure out what I'm going to wear on Saturday, and come up with a race strategy.

Um, dudes. I just went back & looked at the very bottom of this page at the mileage I was pulling in October. Uh, yep. You could say I've come quite a ways since then!! ha! I am "only" supposed to run "only" 2 miles on Wednesday this week, and I've been thinking about how "short" that is, and how it will not even feel like a workout. If you had told me back in October that I'd feel that way, I'd have fallen over dead. I guess it's all relative.

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