Wednesday, April 16, 2008

2 weeks and counting!

There's 16 or 17 days left, depending on how you count the days. Ran 9 miles tonight in 1:40:01. Feeling really good about my chances of finishing in under 2:30. I think I'll end up around 2:25 or so. I know I have trained smart and I am totally prepared for this. Kind of wierd, but I only have one more long run between now & the race. Still don't know how I'm supposed to get from 10 miles the week before the race to 13.1 on race day. But I have to have faith in the training plan.

So when I ran 8 miles a couple of weeks ago, I felt like I could go 9 with no problem. Tonight when I ran 9, I felt like 9 was PLENTY! Did not think I could have gone 10 tonight. I've been running without the mp3 player and I have adjusted to that with no problems. I had noticed it was just becoming background noise anyway, so I'll definitely be able to do the race without it. It does get a little uh, I don't want to say "boring" because that's not the right word. But after a while, I'm just ready to be done and back home.

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