Monday, February 11, 2008

Bring on the miles, baby!

I'm very excited because I get to run 4 miles this weekend. I am really excited about bumping up the mileage, and the last few runs have been terrific. I'm feeling really strong. My leg is feeling really good. Ankles are bumming a little which is odd. It's like it's moving south again! Anyway, so, so, so ready for the miles...

I ran 2 days in a row last week. The second day was a short 1.5 miler outside, but it was a good test for the ol' bod, and a good exercise psychologically as well. The last time I ran 2 days in a row was at the end of last summer and that was when I hurt my ankle. So I've had this mental block about running 2 days in a row. I think I can definitely do it now. Once the half marathon is over, and I'm out of training, I think I could play around with the weekly miles and rearrange it so my body could adjust to consecutive days. Then I could continue to build those miles. If I could run 4 days a week instead of 3 days a week, I could build up some serious mileage.

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