Thursday, November 29, 2007

5 Miler

I'm totally stoked! Ran 5 miles last night without stopping! The first couple miles were a bit of a struggle, but after that I found my groove and had a fantastic run. In fact when I was almost home, I was thinking what it would feel like to run another mile. How funny is that??? I was a little tired, but felt very confident that I could have run an extra half mile if I had to last night. That is just so exciting to be able to accomplish a milestone like 5 miles and still have some left in the tank!

I'm kinda thinking my runs in December should be 3 mile, 3 mile, then 5 mile for each week. We'll see how that goes for a couple of weeks and then increase the long run to see if I can get to 6 by the end of the year. That would be an excellent base to start training from in January, when I start my half marathon training.

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